A Season Finale

Hello, dear reader, and welcome to this epic finale of my one-season show “International Dating Challenges.” Yes, you got it right, the show is over (it will go on outside of this blog) and this is the last episode of it. When it is the end, you might want to remember the beginning. If you […]

Back to Earth. A Midterm Post

These eight weeks of blogging were full of surprises and emotions; but these weeks cannot even stay next to the last weekend that I spent totally in space. My name is Anna, and this is my midterm post for the blog about international dating. This post is not going to be a usual interview with […]

It’s Difficult Till the Very First Meeting

Look who’s back with a new love story for you, dear reader. Maria Altergot from Russia and Gergely (Greg) Hill from Hungary are the example of the couple who managed to work out a long-distance online relationship. And yes, I am not inventing stuff right now. Maria and Greg met online on some text chat website […]

A film in the making

Follow AUBG Documentary Class students on their journey to create a feature-length film in less than a month.

A Film Festival Guide for College Students

How to navigate the film festival world for emerging filmmakers?

35mm Campus

How does the life on AUBG campus look like through the cinema lens?

Mark Wollemann: On the move

Biking, teaching, writing, traveling -- and moving, always moving

Melody Moves to Bulgaria

Teaching, filming and observing Bulgaria while working at the American University in Blagoevgrad


What is your first memory of music?

Stories from your backpack

What is your most incredible hiking story and how did it change your life?


What is your worst story on stage?

Exchanging Cultures

What makes your culture unique?

AUBG Do-Gooders

What drives you to do volunteer work?

the love letters girl

What is the story behind these love letters?

AUBG Dreaming

Are you a dreamer?


WAT was your summer?

A Story of Choices

Where have you been and more importantly – however did you come to be here?


Which club should I join?

Create It Yourself Crafts

How do you craft your style?


How does sports unify your culture?

Breakfast Stories

Can you describe the most important person in your life before finishing your breakfast?